Your litlte one's safety is paramount to us at Toddletown. While out and about exploring our local community we will looking at how we can stay safe. This week we have included some traffic light cooking activities that we can use in conjunction with an outing.
Delivering a message in differnet ways and through a variety of activities helps us reinforce learning points with the children and meet child's different interests.
You will need;
¼ cumber
2 kiwis (skin removed)
Identify and talk about the parts of the fruit, such as the skin and flesh. For older children you could explore what is inside the fruit such as pips, stone, seeds, stork. Fantastic vocabularly to learn!
Pre-cut the fruit for smaller children, older children can cut their own fruit up ready to blend with adult supervision. Using knives safely is a great way to start a conversation about keeping safe in the home.
Blend each fruit individually and place into a bowl. This is a good time to talk to about safety and how when using a blender we need to be careful with the blade and electricity.
To construct your smoothie, spoon into a clear cup or glass, the cucumber and kiwi mix, then the mango mix followed by the strawberry mix.
When adding each mix, talk about what the colours represent in road safety terms.
Green means go - run!
Amber means get ready - jog on the spot!
Red - stop! Who can freeze on the spot the quickest?
Posted on 18th November 2019
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