This week, we are pleased to introduce you to Natalia, who will be one of our Early Years Practitioners in the baby room.
Hello! I'm Natalia, originally from Barcelona, Spain and I’ve been in the UK for seven years. My experience with children started in 2013 working in baby room in a nursery in Richmond.
I’m hold Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and I’m really passionate about children’s learning and development. When I'm not at work, I enjoy travelling, cooking and spending time with my family. We moved to Godalming from London in 2017 when my son was born.
I recently attended a training course called Brilliant Babies and look forward to sharing my new knowledge with you and of course putting it to practice in the baby room.
I hope to see you at the open event on Thursday, please do come and say hello and ask any questions that you have.
Posted on 23rd September 2019
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